The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp!

Our summer Step Up Academy starts on 24th of January 2024!

If you’re a woman in tech, some of these probably sound verrrrrry familiar.

“I don’t know how to find balance. I tend to work really hard, burn out, and need time to recover. Sometimes I feel resentful towards my work because I feel like I’m sacrificing my personal life.”

"Being a woman in a male-dominated industry means constantly navigating a culture that wasn't built for you. It can be exhausting to feel like you have to fight to be seen and heard."

“I know I’m good at my job, but as soon as someone questions why I’ve made a decision, I don’t know how to respond without either getting defensive OR giving in immediately.”

“I’m super happy with my career progression so far, but I almost feel like it all happened by accident, rather than me choosing the path. I’d like to get clear on what I really want for myself next.”

“I’m outgoing and confident on the outside and in general, but not so confident when it comes to being a senior leader.”

If you’ve been in tech for any amount of time, you’ve probably had days (maybe even years) where you’ve thought some of those exact same things.

Here’s the thing: we all do. 

Step Up is an 8-week programme for women in tech to come together, face these realities, and come through the other side — with a stronger sense of self, purpose, and confidence. 

Because when women come together, start sharing their stories, and take inspired action? Big things happen. 

Step Up is an 8-week leadership accelerator for women in tech. You might be a senior leader, an aspiring leader, or just starting out — but wherever you stand, you know that you want a space to step into the next level of your career.

An optimist, Londoner (though born and raised in Athens), and former software engineer — and your soon-to-be coach. 

My work is all about making tech a happier, more inclusive place. 

I started out as a software engineer, working my way up into senior roles at Yahoo and Amazon. I was often the only woman in the room. Now I’m the founder of Together in tech, a 6.000-person strong tech community where your whole self is welcome — and a coach, working with people and teams from some of tech’s biggest companies: Sky, Google, the Teleraph,, Amazon, and lots more. 

I started Step Up because I was seeing the same thing over and over again in my work: women with great ideas and incredible talent.

Struggling to find their voices. Doubting themselves. Thinking they needed to check all the boxes before going after their dream jobs. Perceiving their greatest strengths as weaknesses. Not activating their potential.

I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve done all those exact same things. 

Working in a male-dominated industry can be tough, especially if you're not someone who naturally fits in with the culture. It's easy to feel like you have to change who you are to succeed. And it’s very easy for your confidence to take a hit. 

But one thing I’ve learned in my life and work — and it’s backed up by the research I did during my Master’s in Positive Psychology and Coaching — is that confidence isn’t some kind of innate quality that you either have or you don’t. It’s a skill. And it’s something you can develop. 

Yes, you. 

“The Step Up programme is one of the best programmes I've done. It taught me to really look inward and recognise that I am unique and enough. Yota is the best mentor you could have. We all have the courage and confidence to succeed and Yota helps you unlock this within yourself. It’s a journey and a process, but it's all about taking the first step.”

Melissa Brand, Data Architect @Ninety One

Here’s the good news: you don’t need to change who you are to succeed. You just need to tune into your own talents and strengths, and learn how to let them lead the way. 

And you can do it all surrounded by your own personal team of cheerleaders (AKA the group of amazing women you’re about to meet). 

Introducing: Step Up

An 8-week group coaching programme and leadership accelerator, designed for women in tech by women in tech. 

We’ll cover everything you need to own your strengths, find your confidence, and do your best work — without letting imposter syndrome get the better of you. 

Step Up is a live group programme, where you’ll be surrounded by a crew of amazing women in tech, led by another amazing woman in tech, so you can finally find your confidence as a leader.

Get a (real) confidence boost

Say goodbye to imposter syndrome and hello to true self-confidence! You’ll learn to tap into your strengths and become your own biggest cheerleader.

Find an inspiring community of women in tech

Feel like you’re the only one struggling with these things? You’re not. With Step Up, you’ll be joining a community of women who are in it with you — and ready to lift you up.

Transform your life and career

Ready to break through your own glass ceiling and take your career to new heights? Step Up is here to help you identify and overcome your limiting beliefs, so you can make big moves towards your goals.

The Step Up Curriculum

Week 1

Confidence is yours

Discover what confidence really means and identify the triggers that shake yours. I’ll  help you fail forward and find the beauty in making mistakes.

Week 2

Strengths, spotted

We all have our unique strengths that we bring to the table. Learn how to spot them and tap into them to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Week 3

Your self-talk matters

Our internal stories and self-talk can impact how we show up in our work and life. Learn how to turn your inner critic into your biggest fan and speak to yourself in an empowering way.

Week 4

Communicate with clarity

Understand what you believe in and how to communicate it effectively. Learn how to set boundaries, voice your needs, and be assertive yet kind.

Week 5

Courage, conquered

Explore how fear holds you back and learn how to embrace it to find courage. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, and show up authentically in even the most challenging situations.

Week 6

Your brand, your way

Personal branding isn’t a mystery anymore. Learn to get past the blocks that are holding you back from showcasing your unique brand.

Week 7

Public speaking, made easy

The idea of public speaking can be nerve-wracking. But I’ve got you covered, with tips to help you prepare, stay calm, and give a great talk even if you’re not a natural speaker.

Week 8

Plan for success

Learn how to set goals that boost your confidence and celebrate your successes along the way. No more self-doubt – own your success and let it carry you forward.

Hear what other women got out of Step Up

Step Up Academy Pass

Do you know that Step Up is what you need to break through your own glass ceiling and take your career to new heights? If it feels right join us and get:

  • Pre-event Coaching Call

  • Access to 8 weekly 2.5-hour Live Group Coaching Sessions in a small group of 10 people

  • 1:1 Access to Yota via message + voice note

  • Private Step Up community where you can ask questions and share your wins

  • Step Up Workbook

  • Invitation to Special Guest Events

  • Action challenges so you can apply lessons right away

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Yota


*You can use your educational budget to cover the cost. Contact us directly if you need further information.

Join Step Up!

Step Up Academy Pass Plus 1:1 Coaching

Are you ready to discover your strengths, own your accomplishments and realise your amazingness? Take action and join us today!

  • Pre-event Coaching Call

  • Access to 8 weekly 2-hour Live Group Coaching Sessions in a small group of 10 people

  • 1:1 Access to Yota via message + voice note

  • Private Step Up community where you can ask questions and share your wins

  • Step Up Workbook

  • Invitation to Special Guest Events

  • Action challenges so you can apply lessons right away

  • 3 x 1:1 60-minute Coaching Sessions with Yota


*You can use your educational budget to cover the cost. Contact us directly if you need further information.

Join Step Up!

How Step Up is different

This isn’t your typical online group programme.

We’ll keep things small

There will be a max of 15 people, to make sure that you have the space and time you need to really explore your own

It’s NOT another webinar

This isn’t a set of pre-recorded videos for you to watch… or not watch… and then forget about. The magic of Step Up happens in our live calls, where you’ll get to connect, share, and workshop everything in real time.

Everything can be applied in the real world

Step Up is designed to work with anything that’s coming up for you NOW. We’ll be able to tackle challenges that come up, and I’ll give you my take on exactly how to handle them as we go.

See all the details at a glance

How it works

  • Duration: 8 weeks

  • Format: Live workshops

  • Where: Online 

  • Who: 15 women

  • How much time you’ll need:
    3 hours for each workshop + 30 minutes for weekly homework and action

  • Follow up call 3 months after the end of the program

Workshop Dates

  • 24th of January (9 - 10 am UK time Intro Call)

  • 23rd of January (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 31st of January (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 7th of February (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 14th of February (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 21st of February (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 28th of February (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 6th of March (9 - 12 pm UK time)

  • 13th of March (9 - 12 pm UK time)

Would you like to learn more about Step Up and see if it’s the right program for you?

Get started today

The next Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp starts on 24th of January 2024!